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Results for "keyword: "wholeness""
Tai Chi - The Perfect Exercise The nurturing benefits of tai chi for the body, mind, and spirit, making it the perfect martial art for the seeker.
Fierce With Age Carol Osborn on how aging gives us the chance to grow whole.
Meditations for Happiness Meditations and exercises designed to increase the brain's capacity for happiness and wellness.
Living Life As A Thank You A lively and energetic book on the transformative power of gratitude.
Eternal Echoes A juicy, imaginative, devotional work about the creative tension between longing and belonging.
Knowledge of the Heart Uses the eight offices of the Christian monastic tradition to organize her selections.
Mussar Yoga A wedding of the body practice of yoga with the Jewish self-study practice of Mussar.
Wrestling with Our Inner Angels Makes a good case for exploring faith, religion, and spirituality in the treatment of mental illness.
Standing on My Head Thoughts about greater self-expression leading to wholeness.
A New Christianity for a New World John Shelby Spong on a humanity without boundaries, hospitable to divinity.